Richard Petrone: Missing Since February 19, 2005

Lonesome days, a stolen future and judgement day
lonesome days…broken hearts & empty souls, shadows of what we used to be. Not a day dawns without a tear. Your spirit, your heart, your joy, the way you filled a room when you were enthused are memories that carry us through the day. The past is a treasure to wrap our hearts around but then the present reality turns my thoughts to the loss. Of a Father, leaving your beautiful Angela to face a future without the love & strength & support only a Dad can give. Of a Son, who made us a family & taught us what it meant to love someone more than you thought you could. Of a Brother, who never forgot what it meant to be a Big Brother to his sisters. Of a young man on the verge of his true future. As a father I could sense how you were starting to put it all together. It’s that loss of your future…a future that was STOLEN from you that drives us forward. I know you would be comforted by the efforts of the men who are working to bring to their judgement day the animals who stole you away. Their courage & dedication, faith & commitment are bringing us closer to that day. It is coming. In the end it is your truth that lives on, because nothing survives but the way we live our lives.
Rich Petrone, Tuesday, November 13, 2007

Happy birthday my beautiful son
It’s an early morning on the boardwalk in Ocean City. I sit & watch the sun rise as a fresh new day begins. Sitting here watching the ocean & listening to my music I always feel closer to you because my thoughts are not crowded or rushed. Soon it will be 1000 days without you — a third birthday without you — 3 trips around the sun. At the shore its easier to see & feel the awe inspiring beauty & complexity of creation. As I sit, I wonder. I wonder at the size & scale & power of the mind that imagined all of this into existence. All of the billions & billions of steps in the process that emanated from that imagining to this manifestation. My mind is not equipped to handle the enormity of it. And so I reduce it to a more manageable scale. Michaelangelo’s work or the operas of Puccini…examples of imagination so achingly beautiful as to break your heart…and yet they are the manifestations of imagination… one man’s dream become real. Where is this going? The other day I watched Field of Dreams for the 100th time. Naturally the scene when he asks his father to have a catch sends me over the top. But this time I thought…OK it’s an idea, a dream that goes beyond our reality. I don’t believe in a heaven of resurrected bodies presided over by a benign father figure. But I do believe in the power of ideas & imagination. So maybe in some parallel universe, or at another point in the space-time continuum it is possible because it was imagined. Until that moment when my thoughts as I know them cease, I will imagine what that catch & so many other things will be like when I see you again. HAPPY BIRTHDAY MY BEAUTIFUL SON
Richard Petrone, August 25, 2007

My first thought today was of you
To Little Richard — My first thought today was of you. This date will always be etched in my mind – good thoughts — thoughts of a wonderful young man. We miss you but you will never be forgotten in our hearts. We love you, we think of you and your smile and charm will remain with us always. Even with the passing of time, no one can take that away from us. Love to you, Rosemarie
Rosemarie Bonavitacola, August 29, 2007

Happy Birthday Buddy
Rich, I often wonder what you are doing. There are so many times I wish I could talk to you. It’s amazing to see what an impact you’ve had on so many lives, and how you continue to do so. Can you honestly believe that your cousin, Stacey and I are getting married next month? Seriously. I’ll say that again slower for you. Your cousin… Stacey…and I…are getting marrying…in September…at Citizen’s Bank Park! Yeah, nothing too mind-blowing though, just a couple hundred people…ceremony at home plate…B-Street Band in the Diamond Club. The usual-type thing. Yeah, your sister, Alisa’s in it, Jerry’s in it, Micheal and Steven….even Nic and Robbie are in it! Just what you would have expected, right? Ha..Haaa…I love ya, buddy. It’s funny, because if I told you this three years ago, you would have just busted out laughing. Yeah. I wish I could have a conversation with you about these things. I know you know all about it, but it’s not the same, you know? I want to bring up a ridiculous news story just to see you get riled up….or say something goofy to hear you laugh hysterically with that silly, infectious giggle of yours. It’s the simplest things I miss about you, buddy. It’s what you’d say. It’s what you’d do. It’s the look you’d have on your face. I miss it all, but I’m thankful I’ll always have the memories. There aren’t enough people in this world like you, Rich. People that are loyal, honest, warm, trustworthy and genuine. I try to surround myself with people like that as much as I can now. The more I do, the more I’ll think of you, and of how much you affected my life. That’s why I love your, Cousin Stacey. She’s a big-hearted silly monkey just like you. I’ll always feel like I’m a better person because of you, and I hope that you somehow know that. I know I’ll see you again someday, and we’ll have an eternity to catch up on things. Until then my friend, you’ll always be in my thoughts and in my heart. There’ll be a seat waiting for you at our wedding. I already know that you’ll be there to have a blast with us. Happy Birthday Buddy! TP
Tommy P., August 29, 2007

Judgement day is coming!
Listen to the thunder as it draws ever closer… watch the lightning flashes send the rats and the roaches running for cover…judgement day is coming!
Richard Petrone SR, May 16, 2007

Still missing after two years
“That’s $100,000 just for their whereabouts not who did it…just tell us where they are so these families can have some closure.” Citizens Crime Commission Vice President Santo Montecalvo
Read the report here by Lorraine Gennaro, South Philly Review, February 15, 2007

“The not knowing part of what happened to him is a nightmare… Is he thrown like trash somewhere for 2 years. I mean in every religion you bury… You have a place to bury. You have a place to go. You have a place to grieve. We have nothing.” Marge Petrone
Read the report here, 6ABC News, February 17, 2007

“If you take it as a whole, unimaginable. My wife and I would have never thought we’d be here, two years out.” Richard Petrone Sr.
Read the report by Pat Ciarrocchi here, CBS News, February 16, 2007

“We are confident there is going to be a solution and justice. The FBI and all the agencies are working hard. They have not given up and we are certain they will solve this. They have many resources and our faith is in them.” Marge Petrone.
Read the report by Elaine J. Barton here, The Central Record, February 15, 2007